Nike Trainer App!

Wow, this weekend was incredible! I got to work my first fusion wedding at the Hummingbird's Nest Ranch in Simi Valley. The decor was literally my ideal wedding! Got me sort of thinking "for real" about my own! But just because I'm working my weddings doesn't mean I can't give you guys some of my new fitness tips! So I recently downloaded an app on my iPhone called "Nike Trainer". I was just browsing through my apps online for fitness and came across this one. & It is SO awesome! It provides you with different types of work outs for different fitness levels you are trying to achieve.

I decided to choose "Get Toned". Then it gives you the option to choose Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. So I saw that if I average 3-5+ work outs a week, I should choose Advanced, so I did. Oh my goodness, I was in for a treat. It was SO incredible intense (will explain work out later), I think I'm going to have to go back to "Intermediate" haha.

After I chose Advanced, they give me a few different options for 30-45 min work outs. I decided to choose the first one, "Body Remix". 

So then once you choose that, it shows you exactly what consists of the work out, and how many minutes you will be doing it. Then you choose a playlist to have playing during your workout, and then you begin! 

So the COOLEST part about this app, once you begin your workout, there is a voice that motivates you through the entire workout routine. It's like having your own personal trainer on your phone! It tells you exactly what moves to do, how to do them, and it even tells you that you're doing a great job! :) Some of the moves are pretty simple, but the ones that are a little more difficult, the app actually has mini tutorial videos that have an actual person doing the moves so you can follow. I was seriously mind blown by this app, and let me tell you, after 30 minutes of "attempting" the workout routine, I was DRENCHED in sweat. Needless to say, this is my go-to for workouts from now on! So, for those of you who don't own this app (it's completely free, just download it from the app store, it might take a while because there is a lot of content), here is the routine for the "Body Remix" workout I did!

Body Remix
Get Toned/Advanced/30 min
Need: 8lb dumbbells and medicine ball

(Warm up)
Back Pedal-1min
Slide and Glide-2 min
Light Jog- 2 min
Burpee to Shoulder Press-1 min
Push ups with Feet on Medicine Ball- 2 min
Plank Row to Rotation-1 min
Ski Jumps-1 min
Basketball Lunge with Medicine Ball Press (this one made me feel very uncoordinated haha) - 2 min
Squats and Arm Curls - 2 min
Bunny-Hop with Medicine Ball above head (oh lord, you look like a fool, but feel like dying haha) - 2 min
Bicycles-1 min
Toe Touches- 1 min
Kick downs - 1 min
Push-up to Frogger (these are AWESOME)- 1 min
Single Leg Deadlift Dumbbell Row ( I still feel unbalanced and weird doing these) - 2 min
Medicine Ball Triceps push up (Can't even do these without toppling over) - 1 min
Alternating Forward Lunge to Shoulder Press - 1 min
Mountain Climbers - 30 sec
Knee Tucks - 30 sec
Standing Hamstring stretch- 2 min
Pretzel Stretch- 1 min
Lying Quad Stretch- 2 min


And what is even cooler is, the more workouts you complete (minutes), you get to unlock more workouts! I definitely reccomend this app, especially for those of you trying to mix up your workout from the regular old treadmill and elipticals!
 Keep on working hard!!

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