Who am I?

Hello! My name is Sara and I'm your average 22 year old. I graduated from UCLA (go Bruins!) with a B.A in Psychology and a minor in Asian American Studies. I currently work for a wedding coordinating company as an Assistant Coordinator and am residing in good old Orange County. I'm 5'2'' and currently hover over 133lb-135lb. my body is no where near perfect. Hence, this blog! In my free time, I love scrapbooking, cooking, watching basketball, and of course blogging! I have an amazing boyfriend who I've been with for a little over 3 1/2 years and he is currently protecting and serving in Afghanistan (coming home very soon!).

So I guess it's pretty important to know my health and fitness background, so here's a timeline of where my body's been and where my body is now. 

Back in Middle School, like most pre-teens, I had self esteem issues that had a lot to do with the way I thought I looked. Reading through my old diaries, it's disturbing how sad I was when it came to my body image and how much I hated being "fat". Clearly looking at this 8th grade picture, I wasn't at ALL fat. (more like I wish I had something similar to this body now! Except the braces...don't need to be going through that again.)

Going into high school, for the first 2 years, I actively played basketball. 3-hour practices a day 5-6 days a week. Needless to say, I was in great shape, and I got a way with eating crap food because I was burning so much from practice, and lifting weights a few times a week as well.

Then college came around. Oh college. My freshman year I did what most freshman do. Drink, Party, Eat, go out, you name it. I joined a sorority and did the typical sorority outings with my girls. Now I don't regret any of the fun and bonding I had with my sisters, I definitely paid for it through my weight. I wasn't huge, but was definitely getting bigger than I was in high school.

Then towards the end of my freshman year, I actually had a pretty bad stomach infection and was hospitalized for a while. I was on an completely clear liquids diet for a few days and lost a ton of weight. I definitely don't suggest ANYONE to actually do this to lose weight, but through this I slimmed down a little bit. So that summer after my 1st year in college, i decided to try to stay in shape, so going into my 2nd year I was back to being at an okay weight.

Then things sort of went down hill from there..haha. I drank all the time and ate like crap. Turning 21 didn't help at all, and it got to a point where I was not happy with body at all, but I didn't know what to do. A lot of it had to do with, having no self control. I WANTED to lose weight, but I also wanted to eat all the things I was eating. I think there was a point where even my loving boyfriend (who has never left me because of my weight!) was a little concerned as to how I was looking.

And finally, after I graduated college was when i finally realized, enough is enough! I can't sit around here, being "satisfied" with being, Not FAT but Not FIT! I needed to change, and the first thing that had to change was my attitude towards fitness. I would go to the gym, do some cardio, but it wasn't at the level that I was going to see any change. I knew that I had to start actually working hard for my goals, no more of this half-ass-ness. So that's when I decided to start this blog. As a motivator for me as well as others. I wanted to build a community of people who gave a rats-ass about how they looked and felt, and wanted to be healthy! So here I am, going through this journey, and I hope you join me, support me, and enjoy all that this blog has to offer!