What This Blog is About

With all of the social media we have today, (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Blogger, Tumblr etc.) we are constantly able to research the best possible ways to lose weight. From looking through pictures of Extreme Makeovers to the 10 secrets to losing your muffin top, we have so many ways to keep us motivated. But more often than not, if you are anything like me, you are in that middle-ground area. You aren't exactly FAT but you also aren't exactly FIT. It's hard to motivate yourself when you aren't at one of the two extremes. And this stage is the hardest to get through because you won't be seeing your results in a day or two, like we all wish and hope! That's where this blog comes in. 
Not me, but a picture that motivates me on REAL results!
Most of my blog posts will be my personal account on my path to getting fit. I'll tell you new fitness plans (that you can actually stick to), foods to eat/foods to stay away from, frustrations that every girl/guy trying to lose weight can relate to, and healthy-SIMPLE recipes. I will also have my friends who are just as into getting fit as I am, guest blog on how they are doing and their very own fitness tips. Every persons fitness level is different (body weight, stamina, metabolism, age etc.). There are certain work outs that will work for you, and certains ones that won't. I want to be able to find the perfect workout routine that works for you! That is why I encourage all my friends who come from different backgrounds to share their story!

Ultimately, I want this blog to be a place where people can relate. Hash out the frustrations of weight loss in an honest, but MOTIVATING and ENCOURAGING manner. By having this blog, this keeps me accountable and I won't stray away from my goal towards getting fit. 

ME! Gearing up for Vegas!

It's all about being empowered, staying strong, and never giving up!
Fitness here we come!!